All Classes and Interfaces

An allocator of byte and char buffers.
Options for creating pooled buffer allocators.
Options for creating unpooled buffer allocators.
The header of an extension value.
A ByteBuffer leased from a BufferAllocator.
A CharBuffer leased from a BufferAllocator.
Reads values from a MessageSource and decodes them into values of type MessageDecoder.
Encodes values of type MessageEncoder and writes them to a MessageSink.
A container for the in-memory output produced by a MessageWriter.
A container for the LeasedByteBuffer produced by a MessageWriter.
A builder of MessageOutput.Buffer options.
Reads values encoded in MessagePack from a channel, input stream, byte buffer, or MessageSink.Provider.
A builder of message reader options.
A destination of bytes that a MessageWriter writes to.
Adapts a MessageSink to an I/O abstraction such as WritableByteChannel or OutputStream.
A source of bytes that a MessageReader reads from.
Adapts a MessageSource to an underlying I/O abstraction such as ReadableByteChannel or InputStream.
The type of a MessagePack value.
Writes values encoded in MessagePack to a channel, output stream, MessageOutput, or MessageSink.Provider.
A builder of message writer options.
The root of MxPack's exception hierarchy.
Indicates that a MessagePack value has an invalid header.
Indicates that the size limit of a buffer or other resource has been exceeded.
Indicates that a MessagePack value is incompatible with the requested type.